Tam and I are pleased to announce we have hired two interns to work with us this spring, both Seniors at University of Kentucky. To say we are super ecstatic is a mild understatement! First, we would like to introduce Myrna Hill who is super fabulous, an experimental baker, sharp as a thumbtack (she might even try out for college Jeopardy) and in our first dinner meeting together, opted for potato pizza! Now, that's our kind of girl! But let's learn about Myrna from her own words. See her bio below. Please welcome Myrna to the Buds!

Hi! My name is Myrna Hill, and I am a born and raised Kentuckian. I’ve lived in Ashland my entire life, which is in the eastern part of the state, right on the border of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia. I love shopping and everything fashion, volleyball, art, food, and spending time with my friends. I’ve played volleyball for almost 10 years now and have always loved to draw and paint. I have pretty much the same friend group I’ve had since middle school, which not a lot of people can say! I also have an awesome boyfriend and family, all of whom I would be lost without.

Since I’ve lived in Kentucky my whole life, I take great pride in being from such a unique state. I love Kentucky for its incredible landscape, ranging from one of the most extensive cave systems to one of two moonbows in the world. I also have a love/hate relationship with our crazy weather. A warm day in the middle of January? Sign me up, but snow in April? Can’t say I’m a fan. Let’s also not forget how crazy UK fans are! My hometown of Ashland is also a pretty historic place, featuring the Paramount Arts Center, where Billy Ray’s “Achy Breaky Heart” was filmed. Ashland also has the first indoor shopping mall in the state, the Camayo Arcade, and is the birthplace of the Judds. I could go on forever about how cool Kentucky is, but I’ll keep it short for now. Go cats!