Article written by Chibuzo Ezeokeke and published by Redfin

Tam and I love our hometown of Lexington, KY, and were honored to provide our insight into this latest blog by Redfin, where we were asked to share one of our favorite places in this vibrant city. Click the link below to find out what we and others had to say!
Below is a excerpt of our perspective.
Leigh and Tam, best friends and creators of the local lifestyle blog, KY Taste Buds, share what it’s like to live in one of the rare cities with a nearby castle. “Growing up in Lexington, we would often travel down US60 towards Versailles where we would see the Kentucky Castle standing sentinel on a hill, mysterious and forlorn. It sparked so many questions: How could this castle be empty? Why was it in the middle of a Kentucky field alongside a busy road? Who owns it? After 30 years, our curiosities were finally satisfied when it opened to the public, and it was simply breathtaking for us to walk the beautiful grounds, marvel at the grand staircase, and check out the beautifully appointed restaurant and rooms.”
They continue with a beautiful personal story about the Kentucky Castle:
“For many young girls, getting married in a castle is the stuff of dreams and fortunately, for Leigh, her dream came true when she married her Prince Charming on the rooftop in July of 2020. It will forever hold a special place in our hearts, and we’re so thankful that this unique locale is right in our backyard. I mean, after all, how many cities can boast they have a castle?”
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Thank you to Redfin, for allowing us the opportunity to share our love for The Kentucky Castle.