Article by Kendell Hutchison
Well, 2020 is officially in full swing! I know it’s not January anymore, but it is NEVER too late to set goals or resolutions and accomplish them. No matter what your goals for this year are, the Kentucky Taste Buds are here to help. Utilizing mood boards, collages, vision boards whatever you call it; these are the perfect way to help you visualize your goals and dreams for this year.
Let’s begin with discussing how to set achievable goals and create a routine that will help you achieve them. When setting your goals, think about your dreams or desires for yourself, your company, family, etc. Take these desires and turn them into positive statements. Stating your dreams as facts allows you to believe that they already exist within your reality. Setting yourself up to believe that you already have accomplished these goals will help them to be less daunting. Creating a timeline and plan of attack is the perfect way to help you see your goals through step by step. These timelines can be planned weekly, monthly, etc. depending on the goal.
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Second, understand what is going to hold you back from achieving this goal. Be real with yourself! This is the time for you to be completely honest about your situation or yourself. If you call out your obstacles you may realize how minute they really are. When we are honest with ourselves, we can clearly see what issues we face in our environment or within ourselves and find a way to move past them to achieve our overall goals.
Creating a vision board is not only a fun way to get your creativity flowing, but a beautiful way to SEE your goals. Vision boards can be filled with anything that aligns with your goals or inspiration to achieving them. Whether it’s words, images, quotes, you name it; a vision board is the perfect way to actively take a step forward in understanding your goals and achieving them.
When it comes to designing your vision board, keep it simple! Don’t clutter your mind with too much, just you and your goals. Don’t forget to keep it positive too! Look at your vision board every day to remind yourself of your WHY and keep you motivated.
Lastly, feel gratitude for everything already have. It is easy to be so focused on our destination we forget about the journey. Remember that every step of the journey is just as important to accomplishing our goals.
Below are some of our favorite quotes to keep us inspired and motivated! Good luck achieving all of your dreams this year!!!