Article Written by Alannah Molenda

Hi friends! I am the latest intern at Kentucky Taste Buds, so it’s only right that I introduce myself to followers and fans, as I will be providing you with some of the upcoming content. I am originally from Ashland, KY, a small town about 2 hours away from Lexington. I spent most of my time there, but I did have the opportunity to live in California during the first half of my high school years. There, I studied performing arts at Roosevelt School of the Arts. Performing has always been a passion of mine. In addition to performing, I was also introduced to a small career in modeling and an increased love for fashion. I eventually returned home to Ashland, where I finished my remainder of high school in an advanced college program. I graduated high school in 2018 with a high school diploma, and an Associates Degree in both Arts and Science. From there, I made my way over to Lexington, KY.

Currently, I am in my last semester at the University of Kentucky, finishing up a double major in Fashion Merchandising and Integrated Strategic Communication, with a minor in Business. My ultimate goal for the future is to be a part of a creative advertising team for a luxury or well-known fashion brand. I really enjoy the processes of coming up with a great pitch for a client, and creative ways to execute it, in order to reach the ultimate consumer. Creativity and fashion are definitely my specialties. I love piecing clothing items together, and coming up with a new look. I think fashion is the ultimate form of self-expression. Here’s some pictures from my debut in the KRNL Fashion Magazine for UK.
When I’m not studying and maintaining my life as a college student, I am typically working as a certified Permanent Makeup Artist, specializing in Microblading and Eyebrow Artistry. If you’re ever interested, checkout my page on Insta: @lannahstouch_pmu and my work below!
Aside from that, I spend the rest of my time catching up with friends, shopping, traveling (when I can), dabbling in art (painting, music, photography, etc.), exercising at your local gym (yes, I’m a total gym rat), and enjoying all that Kentucky has to offer. As for Lexington, in particular, I love the variety in businesses. Lexington offers everything, and every business is unique, since most of them are locally owned. I see myself moving to a larger city once I graduate, but my heart will always remain in Kentucky. What I love the most about it here is that it’s the complete opposite of what people think. The people in Kentucky are loving, kind, and you’re sure to feel welcome no matter where you go. Also, you can't forget the food… Even after living in California for two years, I still prefer the food here. Kentucky is the best!