There are cycles in life that we all go through, and before you start having flashbacks of high school biology and trying to remember the difference between meiosis and mitosis, I'm talking about a different life cycle. I'm talking about the social life cycles we go through as we age.
For example, you find someone special, date for a while, and then get married. Congrats! You and your circle of friends will probably get married within a few years of one another and it will cost you a small fortune in bridesmaid/groomsmen expenditures. That's stage 1. Shortly thereafter, everyone will start having babies. Again, another costly period as you fork out loads of cash on baby shower gifts. That's stage 2. The child-rearing cycle lasts a while, limiting your opportunities for social interaction to kids' sporting events and birthday parties. You may attend a few high glam events, but they will be few and far between. You swap out fancy dinners and trips to the Bahamas for yoga pants and playing taxi driver. That's stage 3. The next stage, and one that Leigh and I are currently in, is the one in which your kids are older, you're a little more settled in your career, and soon you will start preparing for weddings and graduations, but this time it will be for your children and those of your friends. (And this time around, people will expect you to buy more expensive gifts since you are now an official "adult" and can't get away with just buying a $30 Target gift card.) The upside to this stage, however, is you get the chance to once again don a gown or suit and feel like a million bucks!
Once you have the right dress, and since the opportunity rarely comes along to get all dressed up, why not go all out by having a professional do your hair and makeup? This is precisely the question Leigh and I asked ourselves when we started talking about the upcoming bridal and prom season. We knew who just to call to help us do our own mini-glam session...GlamLex, of course! GlamLex is a Central Kentucky business started by two buds, Sarah and Bri. Combining their talents as makeup artist (Sarah), and hair artist (Bri), they launched their come-to-you services for prom, weddings or other special occasions. As you can tell from the pictures, these ladies know exactly how to turn you from a pumpkin into Cinderella with a wave of their magic brushes and curling irons. They're reasonably priced and a blast to be around! I can't tell you how excited we were when the glitter and hairspray all settled and we saw ourselves all dolled up! Wowza! Too bad we had absolutely nowhere to go but the grocery!
So if you're in stage 4 or know of someone in stage 1, do yourself a favor and remember the name GlamLex. They're a top notch service providing just what you need for the special events in your life. And if you're still in stage 2, don't fret. Enjoy those yoga pants and all the craziness that is associated with small children. Trust us, the time flies by and before you know it those sweet little things are all grown up and you will find yourself once again ready to step out on the town.
Photos courtesy of Hunter Mitchell Photography.